Calm, idleness and voluptuousness.
You can stretch under the ''Moucharabie'' pavilion, facing the Ksar on pastel colored Kilim cushions.

The swimming pool
surrounded by lush nature, you can swim or walk in the swimming pool, lined with flowers, cacti and an old oil press. The swimming pool is 15x5m and shallow.

The garden
Inspired by Persian gardens, a place of delight and pleasure for the senses, the Tafoukt Palace is invaded by its 5-hectare garden with paradise scents and invigorating colors. It forms a heavenly haven of peace, a garden of Eden.

Lush nature
oranges, citrons, lemon trees, grapefruit trees, Arabian jasmines, Sambac, rose bushes of all colors which emit sublime and heady scents when they bloom. Night gallants with their sweet scent. Bougainvillea trees, pomegranate trees lined with bright red Hibiscus, fragrant laurels, sublime purple Jacaranda, large trees with yellow, red and pink flowers illuminate the two hundred years old olive forest. Palm trees to the sky emphasize the esthetics of them all.

Cradled by the water of the fountain,
under the foliage of the olive tree, you will be able to read sunk in the armchairs.

Inspired by Andalusian palaces,
the water jet pool refreshes

At the top of the olive trees,
you can enjoy a mint tea, admire the starry night, contemplate the Atlas or the anti-Atlas

At sunset
you can enjoy the conviviality of an aperitif